
Secrets to Getting Hired

As a career coach I have noticed a trend. There are some clients that I could immediately the phone rang for a job interview. There is one that I did not even get a rejection email. Here are the things that I see my clients successfully done before they started making the transition from the military to the mainstream or from work another.

1. Research employers what they want. Begin to see job announcement to see if you have the skills, certifications and degrees that employers want. If you owned this item gain the skills, certification or degree required.

2. Keep your skills up to date. It is your responsibility to keep your skills current your current employer. Once you define what is trendy or the certification required to register for the certification program. Get certified. Do not have a long duration on the gap where you do not attend a refresher course and also do something to keep your skills up to date. Do not let your education section of your resume make you look outdated or old.

3. Updating your resume. Keep your resume updated but do not tell the truth. One area I see a lot of people fail to update their computer skills. Those enrolled in the program are popular five or ten years ago. I suggest you visit a local college and attend some classes to the latest version of the computer programs.

4. Use social media correctly. Social media is a tool that hiring managers use to see who you are before they call you for an interview. You must LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Once again keep your information current is a key job-hunting success. Your profile should reflect your job hunt and use key words that hiring managers use to find you. If you do not advertise your job hunt does not require you to apply for a job, told the job or even look to join company.

5. Networking. Network does not beg the job. Networks do not kiss someone's back. Network allows your family, friends, and other contacts know your job hunt. This is to let them know that if they hear something that might be interested in the people who provide your contact card greeting to the hiring manager or get them to your card. Networks can be done online and offline. You'll want to create a contact card to give to people you meet in person and meet with the hiring manager career fairs and job fairs. People can not reach you or refer you if they have your information available. Contact a professionally designed card will help sell you.

6. Professional appearance. Do not neglect your appearance. Explore the latest trends for your industry. You may want to contact people who are experts in this field to help you determine what style will work with your body type and help you go through your closet and eliminate obsolete items. A professional stylist will also be able to help you maximize your existing pieces. Start looking hair style too if you leave the military. You do not want to sport the old style or the style of your current military. You do not want to intimidate or see dated.

7. Be open to feedback. You have to listen and do not be offended if you are given the criticism. Feedback can come from hiring managers want to see your resume in different formats or from your coach that you want to work in some areas of self-improvement. Willing to listen to constructive feedback and invest in you.Remember, employer workers will help grow the business. It is your responsibility to keep your skills current. Times have changed employers do not invest in the professional growth of employees. It's your responsibility. Invest in yourself before the next performance evaluation and before you start job hunting for a new job. When you apply the seven tips me you are willing to provide value to employers and you can bike.

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