Dari Abu Hurairah ia berkata : Dahulu Rasulullah SAW setelah membaca surat pada shalat Shubuh beliau bertakbir (untuk ruku’) lalu mengangkat kepala beliau (dari ruku’) dengan membaca, “Sami’allaahu liman hamidah, rabbanaa wa lakal-hamdu”, kemudian beliau dalam keadaan berdiri berdo’a, ”Ya Allah, selamatkan-lah Al-Walid bin Al-Walid, Salamah bin Hisyam, ‘Ayyas bin Abu Rabi’ah dan orang-orang dlu’afaa’ dari kaum mu’minin. Ya Allah, keraskanlah siksaan-Mu kepada suku Mudlar dan timpakanlah kepada mereka siksaan seperti (paceklik panjang) tahun-tahun pada zaman Nabi Yusuf. Ya Allah, laknatlah suku Lihyan, Ri’il, Dzakwan dan ‘Ushayyah, mereka itu telah makshiyat kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya !”.
st_ones_inung: Kemudian sampailah berita kepada kami bahwasanya beliau meninggalkan hal itu setelah diturunkan ayat “Laisa laka minal amri syai-un au yatuuba ‘alaihim au yu’adzdzibahum fainnahum dhaalimuun” (Tak ada sedikitpun campur tanganmu dalam urusan mereka itu, atau Allah menerima taubat mereka atau mengadzab mereka, karena sesungguhnya mereka itu orang-orang yang dhalim). - Ali Imran ayat 128. [HR Muslim 1: 466-467]
'Dancing with the Stars': guilty pleasure, accident
From the third presidential debate, Dancing with the Stars split two regular program time performance Monday in two nights.
The episode tonight with four wives dancing to your favorite song "guilty pleasure", while the four other couples doing ballroom dance team freestyle judge Len Goodman, Carrie Ann Inaba and Bruno Tonioli.
But the big question is: How is Melissa Rycroft?
TV star, 29, was rushed to hospital on Sunday after falling and injuring his head and neck during exercise. Event is played in the accident, showed Rycroft rubbed his neck and took him away in a stretcher to the ambulance sirens blaring. "Thieves a bit arrogant and broke his neck," said partner Tony Dovolani a tape segment.
He looked good in the show. "This is a herniated disc at the top of my neck," said host Tom Bergeron, and added that he was "officially authorized to dance."
This is how events unfolded:
Gilles Marini explains why Whitney Houston Do I Always Want You choose your guilty pleasures. Song came when I was 15 and "the first time I've had a lot of time with him." Oooo. So I Rumba "clean, beautiful and fascinating." Fans started clapping in its lusts after a few steps. Bruno: "It is not a dance, a lecture hall" He added: Carrie Ann was so excited he fell right off the chair, "one of the best performances I've ever seen.". Gilles helped him and gave him a hug, but she was laughing all the time. "I'm fine!" Call Len is a "blockbuster" and quibbled about some Peta Murgatroyd put his feet for long. "Up you go!" Score: 10, 9.5, 10 = 5.29.
Emmitt Smith wore a bright red and Copacabana to show his party samba with pro partner Cheryl Burke. The audience stood and cheered from the beginning of the number. "Excellent!" Said Len. Bruno said: "The samba is really hard to look easy ..." Carrie Ann said she was with Brooke Burke-Charvet tease him about listening to Barry Manilow in the locker room "conventional samba!" When I is the NFL. Rating: 9.5, 9.5, 10 = 29.
Kirstie Alley chose Mrs. Robinson, "and the toys my children," said Maks Chmerkovskiy partners. He is shown to mourn during Sunday's practice specialization when he was still their Quickstep. On the dance floor, seemed to take it well. Carrie Anne said it was the best dance ever "very good", except for a few "boo boo". Len also thought it was his "best dance." Bruno said it was "delivered ... looks great ... great "Quality:. 8.5, 8.5, 8.5 = 5.25.
Kelly Monaco employer must juggle his schedule to learn two dances this week, so we see him struggling with his partner Val Chmerkovskiy during the week. When fighting, we mean dark and sweaty and not know the steps. "Choreography was lost in my little brain," said Val, said that the best we can do for him is "waiting for me in my dressing room." Wink, wink. But on the floor, he and Val danced samba cheeky pop hit for Cher Lloyd Want U Back. Len Goodman said there are "elements" we really liked, but it was a "child on the side of the masses." Bruno quibbled a bit about your "bounce" samba. Carrie Ann felt she was "not sure", adding that Kelly is not the best. Rating: 8, 8, 8.5 = 5.24.
Derek Hough team, along with his partner Shawn Johnson, Sabrina Bryan and Louis Van Amstel, Apolo Anton Ohno and Karina Smirnoff, including Rycroft and Dovolani, powerful freestyle dance to call Perhaps as a football player and cheerleader. Routine to include all kinds of stunts and on the head, and made all Rycroft. After the dance, Brooke asked how his neck and said: ". Really numb right now "but she smiled through it. They Rating: 9.5, 10, 10 = 5.29. Each member of the team will add 29.05 points on Tuesday night.
New calls for DST to remove
Watch across the country to roll an hour Sunday as England move to daylight saving time.
Life extra hour in bed, however, the official figures showed that the survival of British Summer Time (BST) throughout the year could improve road safety.
Darkest Night brings a higher level of road accidents, according to Transportation Department figures.
He said that keeping BST time can prevent about 80 deaths and at least 200 serious injuries on British roads every year.
The number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured that on November 14% higher than the monthly average. The number of cyclist casualties rose by 5%, while the motorcycle vehicle mileage low 28% more common.
The pilot system
Simon Best, chief executive of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, the belief that the light of the night to save lives.
"As an extra hour during the day will help the journey home safer for all road users, children, cyclists and motorcyclists are most useful," he said.
"We want to see the three year trial of the new lighting system. If the trial period proves the new daylight has a positive effect on road safety, it is clear that the system must meet.
"With the strong evidence of the potential benefits, only that the new pilot."
Bill will save energy given three years probation GMT plus one hour in winter (GMT +1) and GMT +2 in the summer.
However, the bill was "confident" the House of Commons in January 2012 despite the overwhelming support of 120 deputies.
David Williams, CEO of gem motoring Help, said: "Changing the clock has only just increase the risk to road users.
"Reducing hours a day does not just mean that drivers driving in the dark during rush hour, but pedestrians and other road users, including school children, the increased risk also.
"Poor weather, decreased visibility and bad road conditions are common during the winter months and have a serious impact on the increase in the number of accidents and dangerous situations of degradation."
Russell Means, clashed with the law, who fought as he had for the Indians, has died at 72
Russell C. Meaning, the charismatic Oglala Sioux who helped revive the image of the American Indian soldiers in the 1970s with the strike of the guerrilla tactics drawn attention to the historical injustice against indigenous peoples time, died Monday at his farm hedgehog , SD, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He was 72.
Causes of esophageal cancer, which recently spread to the tongue, lymph nodes and lungs, said Glenn Morris, Mr. means legal representation. He said that in the summer of 2011 that the cancer was inoperable, ie Mr. resolved to avoid major medical care in favor of natural remedies and herbal others.
Strapping and handsome deerskin, with facial scarring, piercing dark eyes and raven tresses hanging at the waist, Mr. media was, in his words, a magnet for - addiction to drugs and alcohol in the early years and subsequently arrested repeated clashes with rivals and law. He was on trial for masterminding the killing, was shot, stabbed once and jailed for a year by the unrest.
We designed a throwback to the ancestors who refused westward expansion of the American frontier. In the theater of protest that drew national attention to poverty and discrimination of his people, is undoubtedly the most famous Indian since Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.
But critics, including many Indians, calling him a tireless self-promoter who exploit his fame angry rebel quixotic career running for president and governor of New Mexico, acting in dozens of films - especially the lead role in "The Last of the Mohicans "(1992) - and writing and recording music with Indian soldiers and commercial heritage theme.
He rose to national attention as the leader of the American Indian Movement in 1970 by a group of protesters who took India the same ship Mayflower II in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Thanksgiving Day. Strong confrontation between India and costumes "Pilgrim" interesting television coverage of the network and Mr India Media white hero overnight dissidents and friendly.
Later, he led a prayer vigil federal president of India monument sculpted head to Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, as Lakota claim land in Black Hills. In 1972, a meeting was organized between countries in Washington protest caravan centuries broken treaties and job leads the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He also attacked the "Chief Wahoo" mascot baseball team the Cleveland Indians, India with teeth cartoon called racist and demeaning. It is still in use.
And in a 1973 protest was covered by the national media for months, hundreds of supporters took Indians and whites in a work of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, where the slaughter of 1890 of about 350 Lakota people, women and children in the last great conflict of the Indian Wars American. The protesters demanded strict adherence old Indian federal treaty, ending what they call a corrupt tribal government.
In a 71-day confrontation with federal agents following, thousands of shots, two Indians were killed and mutilated agency. It means that Mr. Banks and other protest leaders Dennis was charged with assault, robbery and conspiracy. But after a long federal court in Minnesota in 1974, increased retention of current complaints and history of India, the case was dismissed by a judge responsible for errors.
Mr. Means then face another legal battle. In 1976, he was acquitted in a jury trial in Rapid City, SD, for instigating the murder of a bar fight. Want guaranteed six in the two countries, was convicted in 1974 for his involvement in clashes between riot police and activists outside the courthouse in India Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It was a year in state prison, where he was stabbed by another inmate.
Mr. Means is also survived by several gunshots - the one in the abdomen was fired during a fight with a police officer in the GAC North Dakota of India in 1975, one of which grazed his forehead as she called a drive-by assassination attempt Rosebud Indian Reservation of South Dakota in 1975, and one in the chest fired by another cause of death would be another reservation in South Dakota in 1976.
Undeterred, he led a caravan of Sioux and Cheyenne to a group of 500 people commemorate one hundred years of existence last General George Armstrong Custer at the Little Big Horn in Montana in 1876, the defeat of the most famous Indian war in that country. To hit the drum, Mr. Means and his followers a platform speaker stands, hand in hand and making victory dance, sung in Lakota Sioux, titled "Custer died for your sins."
Charles Russell Means, born in Pine Ridge reserve November 10, 1939, the eldest of the four sons Harold and Theodora means feathers. Anglo-Saxon surnames of my great grandfather. When I was 3 years old, his family moved to San Francisco Bay, where his father, a welder and mechanic, worked in the shipyard during the war.
Russell attended public schools in Vallejo and San Leandro High School, where he faced racial slurs, have poor grades and almost graduated in 1958. It stems to combat crime, drugs, alcohol and street. You followed the four universities, including Arizona State in Tempe, but not a degree. During most of 1960, were thrilled with the West, working as a janitor cowboy printer, and dance educator.
In 1969, he took a job with the Rosebud Sioux tribal council in South Dakota. A few months later he moved to Cleveland and became the founding director of the government-funded help India adapt to urban life. He also met with Mr. Banks, who recently founded the American Indian Movement. In 1970, the national director of Mr. movement, and during the following decade, their actions become a household name.
In 1985 and 1986, he went to Nicaragua to support indigenous Miskito where independence is threatened by leftist Sandinista government. Sandinista atrocities reported against India, and urged the Reagan administration to help the victims. Millions of aid went to several anti-Sandinista groups, but Miskito Indian rebel leader, Brooklyn Rivera, told his followers not to accept any help.
In 1987, Mr. means running for president. Requested the Libertarian Party nomination, but lost to Ron Paul, a former congressman and the future of Texas. In 2002, Mr. Means independent campaign for governor of New Mexico, but procedurally voting is prohibited.
Mr. Means suspended from the American Indian Movement in 1988, but its leader, who had fought for years, mocking, said he was "retiring" six times before. Overall not recognize him and his work, calling him an opportunist to achieve political and financial. In 1989, Congress said there was "widespread corruption and corruption" in government programs that help tribal and federal American Indians.
Mr. Means began his acting career in 1992 with "The Last of the Mohicans", using Michael Mann James Fenimore Cooper novel, in which he played an honest Chingachgook Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeleine Stowe. More than two decades has appeared in over 30 film and television productions, including "Natural Born Killers" (1994) and "Pathfinder" (2007). He also recorded a CD, including "Electric Warrior: The Sound of Indian America" (1993), and wrote an autobiography, "where white men fear Tread" (1995, with Marvin J. Wolf).
He married and divorced four times and had nine children. Meeting also adopted many Lakota tradition. Marriage fifth, Pearl Daniels, in 1999, and she survived.
Mr. Media braids cut several months before being diagnosed with cancer. That, said in an interview last October, the attitude of mourning for his people. In Lakota knowledge, explained, the hair remains in the memory, and the mourners often cut to open the memory, and the people in it, the world of spirits.
Union honcho: National Grid storm ignore our advice
Head of unions representing thousands of workers utility front lines Storms Sandy said National Grid officials ignore their advice on how to improve the response time in the middle of another big storm - a claim denied by the company.
"It's almost like a tale of two utility companies," said Dan Hurley, president of Local 369 Utility Workers Union of America, with about 600 to 700 NSTAR 1,900 other employees under the National Grid. "NSTAR seem to heed our advice, and the National Grid, for the moment, they might have a better plan. We are trying to improve their answers and we hit the wall. '
In response, National Grid officials said that "the amount of input from our employees," and to actually apply the advice "of the union to decentralize the operations during major weather events."
"We appreciate the work of frontline employees as we work to restore power to all of our customers as quickly and safely as possible," said a statement from the National Grid.
At 05:30, more than 294,000 people without power in the state as Sandy approached mainland, according to the utility.
Utility giant has been criticized both last year, following the response to Tropical Storm Irene and the late October surprise snowstorm that killed thousands of people in the dark. Attorney General Martha Coakley proposed NSTAR fined $ 10 million and $ 16 million National Grid to effectively stop the emergency response team personnel fallen power lines and communicate with customers and people. The fines are pending before the Department of Public Utility.
Post-Irene, NSTAR said Hurley meets union leaders, who participated in the so-called "occasional committee meetings storm" trade input in making better response. He said union officials who proposed simplifies the process of sending workers to the affected areas, and more.
"Union leaders have given us information about the logistics Services personnel, such as when sense to change the schedule to better use our resources," said NSTAR spokeswoman Caroline Pretyman, citing the inclusion of the union " very useful "to respond to customers. "We also took their suggestions on where to build a new staging location so they pre-positioned to respond."
But Hurley said that even a recent Friday, a meeting with National Grid "does not really go anywhere."
"It seems that when a hurricane, there are too many cooks in the kitchen and be able to let workers go out and do what they do," says Hurley. "We tried to explain to the National Grid, but with different rules.
"It is a matter of pride to men and women," he added, referring to public service workers. "The men and women out there want to get power. Who better to develop a response plan or help plan the development of the respondent on the road? '
"It's almost like a tale of two utility companies," said Dan Hurley, president of Local 369 Utility Workers Union of America, with about 600 to 700 NSTAR 1,900 other employees under the National Grid. "NSTAR seem to heed our advice, and the National Grid, for the moment, they might have a better plan. We are trying to improve their answers and we hit the wall. '
In response, National Grid officials said that "the amount of input from our employees," and to actually apply the advice "of the union to decentralize the operations during major weather events."
"We appreciate the work of frontline employees as we work to restore power to all of our customers as quickly and safely as possible," said a statement from the National Grid.
At 05:30, more than 294,000 people without power in the state as Sandy approached mainland, according to the utility.
Utility giant has been criticized both last year, following the response to Tropical Storm Irene and the late October surprise snowstorm that killed thousands of people in the dark. Attorney General Martha Coakley proposed NSTAR fined $ 10 million and $ 16 million National Grid to effectively stop the emergency response team personnel fallen power lines and communicate with customers and people. The fines are pending before the Department of Public Utility.
Post-Irene, NSTAR said Hurley meets union leaders, who participated in the so-called "occasional committee meetings storm" trade input in making better response. He said union officials who proposed simplifies the process of sending workers to the affected areas, and more.
"Union leaders have given us information about the logistics Services personnel, such as when sense to change the schedule to better use our resources," said NSTAR spokeswoman Caroline Pretyman, citing the inclusion of the union " very useful "to respond to customers. "We also took their suggestions on where to build a new staging location so they pre-positioned to respond."
But Hurley said that even a recent Friday, a meeting with National Grid "does not really go anywhere."
"It seems that when a hurricane, there are too many cooks in the kitchen and be able to let workers go out and do what they do," says Hurley. "We tried to explain to the National Grid, but with different rules.
"It is a matter of pride to men and women," he added, referring to public service workers. "The men and women out there want to get power. Who better to develop a response plan or help plan the development of the respondent on the road? '
Keselowski stunned by the response Jjs
As Johnson No. mutilated. 48 Chevrolet limped back to pit road, the points leader in the Sprint Cup believed that the sun was still in the delivery of dozens of stars.
But it was not.
Precautions crashing last five laps and allow Hendrick Motorsports teams to make six trips to the pits for repairs. After plastic surgery to cover bonds - industrial sized pieces of duct tape - a five-time champion of 30 lines with 121 laps of the race.
Keselowski thinks will see Terminator, sans Johnson said: "I will return."
"I think they did a great job fixing the car what I think," said Keselowski. "They're coming."
Certain benefits remain after the race, when Johnson stood behind Keselowski position #. 2 Dodge. And because Johnson led 44 laps early events, a point ahead of Keselowski accepted by finishing eighth in ninth place result in the Johnson evaporates.
Keselowski has been running long enough seven-point lead for granted, especially when your team is in a race against tough opponents such as Johnson and crew chief Chad Knaus. They have been together since Johnson's rookie season in 2002 and the number of displaced people can not compare the past 11 seasons.
No other organization has won five consecutive Cups. And 395 starts, Johnson has amassed 58 wins, 164 top and 246 under five in the top 10.
On Sunday, Johnson was fortunate that the damage to his car became a member of the "big" and credited his team to take together "cosmetic" .. Johnson, 37, said the race team "more mature" this year than in 2011, when he and Knaus were criticized each other.
"That's what we want to be realistic about thinking and execution at the end of last year," said Johnson. "When things got a little work for us, we will communicate and work as we need. That all people, not just those who have the final say and how to fix cars, but all of us.
"And (Sunday), actually runs because there is nothing going on and do everything possible to get the car on the track and get our best result."
Johnson was disappointed that he personally made the mistake of driving and Keselowski took no intermediate tracks where featured Penske Racing this season. However, he is convinced that with four races in the Chase - begins this weekend at Martinsville, where he has won six and finished a career average of 5.8 - it will continue to close on Keselowski.
"The best way to send (a message) is how you perform on the track. And (Sunday), we showed what our team is capable of doing, "said Johnson. "Beyond that, and the mistakes I made, everything else was pretty incredible. I'm proud of the team, and hope that others are watching. '
Compared to Johnson record in Martinsville, Keselowski knew him weak. While Keselowski posted his best race result (ninth) in April to track 0526 miles and completed all but two laps of competition, took only two turns in the starting five.
But after a surprise attack by Johnson & Co. Sunday, Keselowski acknowledged that his fight to the finish.
"I saw it coming all the way to Homestead," said Keselowski. "It was decided there. I like the time we have today and the position we do. It came down to the last race. It was pretty obvious after (Sunday). '
Here are 10 ideas to think with four races remaining in the Sprint Cup season:
1. Did Christmas come early. . .
. . . Martinsville Speedway President Clay Campbell? Former NASCAR track, is also one of the most valuable - and have a loyal following Dale Earnhardt Jr.. Earnhardt is expected to test at Gresham Motorsports Park on Monday and follow up with the neurologist Dr. Jerry Petty on Tuesday to make sure that you have completed the prescribed path to recovery. If cleaning Petty Earnhardt NASCAR and put his stamp of approval Junior Nation, definitely something to celebrate this weekend.
2. NASCAR Trucks at The Big E?
Track owner Tony Stewart said Friday he would be "happy if we get a NASCAR race in Eldorado" and admitted that it was NASCAR, to "look at all kinds of tracks. "What I did not mention two trucks Stewart tried last week to a half-mile oval in shape and clay, according to sources, the three times has resulted in one of the trucks, along with Austin Dillon. Dillon characterized the trial as "fun", but added shyly "You'll have to wait and see" how to make the truck.
"It will be interesting to see how they are doing," said Dillon. "We still have much work to do, but I want the viewer to walk again."
3. So close. . .
Kyle Busch almost got his first Nationwide Series victory when he drove his own team team Saturday at Kansas Speedway - until the gas was when the show went into overtime. Apparently tumultuous had three chances to pull the feat at the National Division of Kyle Busch Motorsports, Joe Gibbs Racing integrate. Sources tell us KBM truck only becomes operational in 2013. Busch and Monster Energy will continue with JGR.
4. Meeting run
Stewart Haas Racing launched its main line crew for next season, but Ryan Newman will have a good start in 2013 with Matt Borland meet with former Penske Racing driver Martinsville.
"I have a good relationship with him personally and professionally," said Newman. "I hope we can re-live some of the successes that won the pole and the race."
In general, the pair won 12 races, 37 poles and qualified for the Chase two of three in the Sprint Cup during his tenure. In his first four seasons together, Newman was the worst point six.
5. Holidays are over
Nobody is happier to see the crew chief Richard "Slugger" Labbe permit section NASCAR Paul Menard. Then the driver said, according to the third place - his first top-five at the time. Labbe not sit still during his suspension for illegal chassis. Heads of test crew almost weekly in Nashville Speedway. Clearly it was worth. Five days at Kansas Speedway is not allowed. 27 teams to hone in one convenient package for Menard, encourage participation in the national series race on Saturday proved invaluable.
6. Holding his own
Martin Truex Jr. did not receive proper credit for the last week "wreckord" 14 warned of a second - matching a season-best finish in Kansas before applying a new layer. Although ranked 16 Truex avoid many drivers to send seven top fives this season, tying a career-best effort. Truex had mixed results in Martinsville, but getting two fifth place finish there in the spring.
7. Hoping to regain ground
Denny Hamlin is the hottest driver at Martinsville Speedway in recent times. He has won three of the last six races, and a 6.4 average finish his second after Johnson. After a disappointing 13th place showing at Kansas Speedway, where Hamlin was involved in trafficking, which lost five points on Keselowski.
"We are trying to recover at Martinsville," said Hamlin. "This is a good track for us."
8. Second Chance
Do not expect to move weapons Phoenix Racing, to announce its driver lineup for the weekend. However, it should be clear Earnhardt Jr., Regan Smith No. bring. 51 Chevrolet. After Smith's fourth top-10 finish of the season on Sunday at No. subbing. 88 Hendrick Motorsports car. General manager Steve Barkdoll said Monday that the promises made before AJ Allmendinger Smith filled. Even Barkdoll, Allmendinger found time, in the absence of Smith, described the experience as pleasant.
"The way AJ done in the past two weeks, he deserves a full time ride," Barkdoll said.
9. Letter
Some national series owner please step forward and offer competitive Johanna long trip? Not only Danica Patrick Long outqualify Kansas Speedway, Chevrolet outraced No.. 7 before the right front tire exploded. Maybe not the greatest length attribute blame to the other competitors in the race is something that is not revealed as planned.
10. A class act
Matt Kenseth became the second driver to win races in the Chase with a victory few in Kansas. Not due to mechanical failure, Kenseth in contention for a second Sprint Cup title. However, it is gratifying to see that the friendship between the head, the driver and team owner Sunday. Roush Fenway Racing Kenseth removing bitter, but it is clear that the friendship will remain intact.
After years of denial, Armstrong collapses approach
Lance Armstrong always give the same general response to those who claim that he was tricked and treated.
He strongly denied. Then usually attack his accusers, often calling them all liars.
It is a strategy that has worked for years - until two weeks ago, when Armstrong began backing into a corner and nearly paralyze any attempt to return, experts in branding and crisis management.
After seven Tour de France title was stripped of his official Monday, Armstrong has more followers and no major sponsor. We also lose the right to compete in the main event of the competition except for unauthorized use of American sports. The two agencies that you agree to the evidence undisputed that Armstrong doped.
However, Armstrong has never given land. In June, when the U.S. Doping Agency announced the case, Armstrong issued a statement: "I have not been sedated, and, like many of my accusers, I competed as an endurance athlete for 25 years without performance increase over 500 approved drug tests and never failed one. '
If only he managed various allegations, experts say it has received a lighter sentence and possibly an easier path to the public for forgiveness.
"If a sports hero or a president, not the act of getting problems, is a lie about it later," says David Srere, Siegel Gale signs autograph expert.
Marc Mukasey, a lawyer expert in crisis management, strategy questioned Armstrong. "There are so many ways to handle this situation than perfectly rejection and went on a mission against all accusers," he said.
After years of siding Armstrong, but the International Cycling Union (UCI) on Monday decided to keep the sanctions against him. Shortly after the announcement of the UCI, the last major sponsor of Armstrong - Oakley sunglasses - said the breakdown of a relationship with him based on doping "evidence". Nike, travel, Anheuser-Busch and a few bike riders links fell last week.
"Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling, and should be forgotten in cycling," UCI president Pat McQuaid said in a press conference.
In what may be the last official word on Armstrong doping case, UCI's decision came in response to a file of evidence Released October 10 of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. Archive contains more than 1,000 pages, including 26 letters from witnesses describing how Armstrong went and implement a computer conspiracy to use illegal drugs and blood transfusions to get an advantage - and the method of drug failed drug test.
After appropriate USADA listed online, people can decide who is lying: all witnesses or Armstrong.
Level of evidence, including the story of the pilot talking tactics for Armstrong denies doping keep all but the most loyal supporters, many of them cancer patients inspired by Armstrong successful fight against disease and work with Livestrong, a foundation he established.
Armstrong Livestrong left the President last week, but charity can be your shelter in the future. He continued to participate in events such Livestong last weekend on the 15th anniversary of the charity in Austin, Texas.
Livestrong CEO Doug Ulman, said last week that the organization received "lots of messages from people who say they admire and respect the decision of the Lance" resigned as president. For many supporters of Livestrong, Armstrong's first cancer survivors.
"The most important thing for them is to continue to work," said Ulman. "It's pretty humbling to see the outpouring of support from people."
It will take time to assess the effect of doping cases in the foundation, although the organization has shown that it can spread the mission of the founder. Although the sponsor of Armstrong dropped, some say they will continue to operate on Livestrong.
From USADA Armstrong lose their titles in August, Ulman said that the dollar amount of donations to LIVESTRONG nearly 8 percent from the same period in 2011, approximately $ 3.4 million. The number of donors fell 3 percent, he said.
The release notes that the evidence used against Armstrong slapped explosion last week, however, Armstrong's decision not to cooperate with investigators led gathered and forwarded to the UCI, and also released to the public. USADA accused of having a personal vendetta against him. He refuses to fight the charges in the arbitration, because he said the process was unfair.
In August, USADA CEO Travis Tygart told USA Today that the Armstrong Sports can be part of the "solution".
"Instead, (Armstrong and his lawyers) launched their attack against us, but actually a lot of it can be prevented some extent as provided in the rules if he had been honest and want to meet to advance the sport for excellent "; Tygart said later.
Tygart said at the time that Armstrong will face a lighter sentence and can only lose two of seven Tour de France titles, and the limits within eight years I have kept valid evidence.
But now may be too late.
"The way it works is that the (working together) before a person is lost in order to investigate," said Richard Young, USADA lawyer Bryan Cave LLP and the company. "You can not say," I'm not. I do not. I do not. But now you have me, so I'll admit it and go and get some rest. It does not work. '
But America loves comeback stories. If Armstrong admit mistakes, experts say can improve their public stature, such as Tiger Woods made in the face of personal scandal in 2010.
One problem for Armstrong it could be that he has invested heavily in the negative, and legal experts say that the confession may make you more vulnerable to civil or criminal action. Earlier this year, the federal government catch a criminal investigation to determine whether Armstrong and other fraud team committed U.S. Postal Service cycling, but did not provide reasons for rejecting the case. An insurance company in Texas demanding the return of $ 7.5 million in bonus Armstrong win the Tour.
After overcoming cancer to win the Tour de France, Armstrong could feel the "indestructible," Mukasey said. So it is not unlikely that nature has to give up, even today.
"He has raised millions and millions of dollars to fight cancer, and can find its way back to the middle of America," Mukasey said. "But I do not know what's in their best interest to support the allegations."
Obama, Romney shifting focus to the national economy at the end of the debate
Mitt Romney accused the U.S. force abroad is undermined by the weakness in the home, while President Obama argued that the country is "stronger now than when I took office," the debate to focus on foreign policy issue the problem that led to the campaign: the economy.
The axes of foreign affairs are about a third of the way through the third and final debate that the candidates were asked how they perceive the U.S. position in the world.
Romney, a Republican, said the U.S. role to "create a more peaceful world", and for that, "America must be strong. United States must lead. '
"For this to happen, we need to strengthen our economy here at home. You can not have 23 million people who are struggling to find work. You can not have economic development in the past three years will continue to decrease the growth rate, "he said.
Obama replied that since he was driving end the war in Iraq, Afghanistan start moving and strengthening alliances with foreign partners, the country is in a position "to start rebuilding America."
Romney is the wrong approach both within and outside the country, Obama said, tying with what the president said the promotion of the previous government "wrong and unwise policy."
"He praised George Bush as a good economic manager and Dick Cheney as someone who shows great wisdom and judgment. And bring us back to the kind of approach that got us into this mess is not the way to maintain leadership in the 21st century, "Obama said.
Aggressive exchange underscored the high stakes in a debate two weeks before the election is a tie.
Obama, who has been the head before falling from the opening of the debate in Denver dream, of course attacking and trying to build a natural advantage as commander in chief, accusing his rival adopt a vague and indecisive approach to foreign policy can encourage the enemies of the country during the threat persists.
Romney responded by setting aside the attacks, saying they did not meet the serious challenges - and opportunities - compared to countries like the Middle East convulses in agony wide.
Romney, in line with the previous discussion, took more moderate than it has in most campaigns.
He praised Obama for the death of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, but said the country "can not kill our way" for a solution to the Middle East. He said the answer is more economic opportunities and the expansion of freedom
Obama went on the attack, citing Romney last Cold War-style rhetoric and show that Romney wants a foreign policy that was instituted in 1980 to go along with the 1950 social policy and economic policy in 1920.
"Every time I give an opinion," the president said bluntly, "is wrong."
Sitting side by side on a wooden table and address the moderator, Bob Schieffer CBS, each candidate expected progress and avoid the mistakes that can assume disproportionate importance in the final stretch of the campaign, it is important.
90 minute session on the campus of Lynn University in South Florida has been supporting Obama, at least initially. He is the commander in chief of the country, providing seriously. Furthermore, it can be assumed, as it has throughout the campaign, and achieved, including the death of Osama bin Laden, has kept his promise to end the war in Iraq and put a plan to end U.S. participation . States. Afghanistan becomes unpopular.
Just before the debate, the Obama campaign released a new television ad highlighting the withdrawal from Iraq and plans to bring the troops home from Afghanistan. "It's time to stop fighting and start building back here," says the ad, tying the economic argument for the president's message on foreign policy.
In recent weeks, however, Obama was thrown on the defensive foreign policy, considering the strong demand, as the government offered a number of explanations for the increase in attacks against a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans killed in the attack, the details are still unclear.
Despite the opening, Romney is not very sure-footed when you deviate from the main objective of his campaign on the economy. Invalid traveled last summer in Europe and Israel, confusing and even some Republicans, calling Russia a strategic enemy of the nation, and burn an attempt to maximize the controversy over Benghazi, including errors real debate last week.
The axes of foreign affairs are about a third of the way through the third and final debate that the candidates were asked how they perceive the U.S. position in the world.
Romney, a Republican, said the U.S. role to "create a more peaceful world", and for that, "America must be strong. United States must lead. '
"For this to happen, we need to strengthen our economy here at home. You can not have 23 million people who are struggling to find work. You can not have economic development in the past three years will continue to decrease the growth rate, "he said.
Obama replied that since he was driving end the war in Iraq, Afghanistan start moving and strengthening alliances with foreign partners, the country is in a position "to start rebuilding America."
Romney is the wrong approach both within and outside the country, Obama said, tying with what the president said the promotion of the previous government "wrong and unwise policy."
"He praised George Bush as a good economic manager and Dick Cheney as someone who shows great wisdom and judgment. And bring us back to the kind of approach that got us into this mess is not the way to maintain leadership in the 21st century, "Obama said.
Aggressive exchange underscored the high stakes in a debate two weeks before the election is a tie.
Obama, who has been the head before falling from the opening of the debate in Denver dream, of course attacking and trying to build a natural advantage as commander in chief, accusing his rival adopt a vague and indecisive approach to foreign policy can encourage the enemies of the country during the threat persists.
Romney responded by setting aside the attacks, saying they did not meet the serious challenges - and opportunities - compared to countries like the Middle East convulses in agony wide.
Romney, in line with the previous discussion, took more moderate than it has in most campaigns.
He praised Obama for the death of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, but said the country "can not kill our way" for a solution to the Middle East. He said the answer is more economic opportunities and the expansion of freedom
Obama went on the attack, citing Romney last Cold War-style rhetoric and show that Romney wants a foreign policy that was instituted in 1980 to go along with the 1950 social policy and economic policy in 1920.
"Every time I give an opinion," the president said bluntly, "is wrong."
Sitting side by side on a wooden table and address the moderator, Bob Schieffer CBS, each candidate expected progress and avoid the mistakes that can assume disproportionate importance in the final stretch of the campaign, it is important.
90 minute session on the campus of Lynn University in South Florida has been supporting Obama, at least initially. He is the commander in chief of the country, providing seriously. Furthermore, it can be assumed, as it has throughout the campaign, and achieved, including the death of Osama bin Laden, has kept his promise to end the war in Iraq and put a plan to end U.S. participation . States. Afghanistan becomes unpopular.
Just before the debate, the Obama campaign released a new television ad highlighting the withdrawal from Iraq and plans to bring the troops home from Afghanistan. "It's time to stop fighting and start building back here," says the ad, tying the economic argument for the president's message on foreign policy.
In recent weeks, however, Obama was thrown on the defensive foreign policy, considering the strong demand, as the government offered a number of explanations for the increase in attacks against a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans killed in the attack, the details are still unclear.
Despite the opening, Romney is not very sure-footed when you deviate from the main objective of his campaign on the economy. Invalid traveled last summer in Europe and Israel, confusing and even some Republicans, calling Russia a strategic enemy of the nation, and burn an attempt to maximize the controversy over Benghazi, including errors real debate last week.
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