Probably not left on Earth to say TGIF this week.
Maya did not buy it.
At least the people who live in the city of Merida, Mexico, no. Also no one in the town of Maya Yaxuna. They know their ancestors left in the calendar these free basic parts - the end of an era and heralding a new - but they think we're all going to die.
Read more: Be honest, the end of the world seems kind of interesting
"This is the time. We were lucky to see how it ends, "says Stephen Santos sa Yaxuna wood carver, a sleepy village of less than 700 Maya, located in the territory once owned by an ancient empire built around 2000 BC
Dismantling judgment: Mayan calendar
Mystery of the Mayan calendar
'Doomsday preppers' ready for final
Villagers cash in front of the 'Day of Judgment'
He felt it was an important event and expect the beginning of a new era. He was not afraid.
"A lot of people say it's the end of the world, but we do not believe that," he said.
Read more: China cracks 'Doomsday cult'
People living in villages as they have, prefer built-handed, palm-thatch hut and concrete building tortilla cake with an open fire.
For those who are more optimistic than the Mayans, the "official" site in the United States collected links to all the articles of the resurrection and the internet users can consume video. also offers tips on advertising for survival and necessary gear - gas mask from the first aid kit and hand-crank radio. Comments welcome on his Facebook page, which has over 14,000 likes, and the owner of the website "John" from near Louisville, Kentucky, sending tweets under the handle @ December212012.
At the end of the world Facebook page - including links dark superstitions and user comments - John has admitted that he did not really believe the world will end on Friday, but thought that might be the dawn of a new era that may include some fixes for the world. This is a new era, however, may require a good bit of destruction as well.
John asked the poster to not take it all too seriously.
"PLEASE PEOPLE ... I ask you not to overreact or make any rash decisions on December 21 ... Anyone who knows anything about prophecy in 2012, including myself, believe that the world will end, "says the Facebook page.
Opinion: The Maya collapse - can we?
Gunmaker Ryan Croft in Asheville, North Carolina, did not take the predictions seriously. He has developed a special assault rifles appear the signs of the devastation hides around the corner.
He did not think life on Earth will end with a full Friday. "I did not plan for the world to go," said CNN affiliate WHNS Croft.
However, he thought the day could mark the beginning introduced by the disaster. It may call for drastic measures, says Croft.
New rifle, a hybrid of the AR-15 and AK-47, designed for easy use, the Gulf War veteran says. Problems can occur in the United States in the midst of economic disaster, he thought.
"I teach about economic collapse and how it actually viewing the field," he said. "People want to act like it did not happen or did not happen, and it happens all over the world on fire today .."
With the proper way to live, also teaches Croft family how to live in alternative sources of food, such as algae, pure rats and earthworms live.
Although somewhat dated 12/21/12 is similar to western calendar, the Maya version of the events told in different ways.
These ancient people measured time cycle called the "baktuns" of 394 years each, and the winter solstice coming Friday will mark the end of the 13th Baktun. Some analyze the calendar says the end date of the period is not Friday, but Sunday.
Mayan calendar is based on the positions of celestial bodies - the sun, moon and stars - and is intended to inform people about the Mayan agriculture and economic trends, said archaeologist Alfredo Barrera.
NASA will also weigh things, by posting on the website reveals that the world does not end on Friday.
"This is another winter solstice," said NASA. "Back and claim the end of the world quickly unravel when pinned down during 2012."
On Thursday afternoon in the eastern United States - Friday throughout Asia - the space agency said it has identified "unusual" and that it was expected a few normal days.
Read more: Hotel is ready for the end of the world
The Harp of a disaster occurring from carving stone monument called Maya 6, was made in 700 AD, which predict a major event at the end of this Baktun, Barrera said. But the missing half of the tablet is broken, so one can only speculate about what might complete message.
Whatever it is, it's not about the end of the world, he said.
"We do not prophecy or word associated with the end of the world just mentioned God ..."
Barrera said he believed hullabaloo about the end of the world is whipped by speculation online - and he felt a little stupid.
Merida, Maya priest held Valerio Canche ancient rituals to honor the dead in light of the upcoming end of the 13th Baktun.
"It is considered close Maya cycle of time," he said. "But, of course, the cycle (14 Baktun) started the next day for Maya, not the end of the world ..."
If you are reading this on Thursday, remember that this Friday in New Zealand, and it's still on the map. If it's Friday, looking out the window can be fantastic.
If it's Saturday, and there were no major disaster has occurred and relax and go to celebrate the beginning of the 14th Baktun in the Maya.
Google pays tribute to Ada Lovelace
Warning latest Google Doodle logo pays tribute to Ada, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852) - better known as Ada Lovelace - A computer pioneer pioneer who made centuries before the computer revolution started in so serious. It comes on the anniversary of his birth 197 years. There is often cited as the first computer programmer, but it may be an accurate dumbing their role in the history of computing. Daughter of Lord Byron - a father knows nothing - he was an admirer and collaborator of Charles Babbage, a genius who designed the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine mechanical computer was not able to develop. Modern fans, however, the difference in engine performance and build plans to build the analytical engine. Ada Lovelace His notes on the analytical engine is a table documenting an algorithm for calculating Bernoulli numbers, then the label "first programmer". One can argue whether it counts as a program or not, especially since the team was never built. And people who know more about Babbage and work There are notes I continue to debate how much of their contribution. (Babbage praised the originality of his work and said he saw a huge mistake in the calculation of Bernoulli, maybe we should pay tribute as the first debugger) Whatever role's in the history of the program, capturing the importance of the discovery of Babbage and realize that mathematics is only a part of: theorizing, for example, that the Analytical Engine could be used to write music. Be aware of things in the 1840s, long before anyone managed to build a computer, let alone people who can write songs. There's good to see the Google homepage today, where he is shown writing "programs" with feather pen - with a note next to the Google logo Curling computer from Difference Engine and Analytical Engine. The last machine shown: laptop playing modern music, and is therefore in accordance with the vision of Victoria ADA - like computers around the world every day.
The End of the World: Not this year
In the U.S. Missile Defense Agency is not to report the meteorite extinction event. In France, a mountain famous among UFO enthusiasts, there is no sign of the little green men to seek probe cavity. In China, where the Christian apocalyptic doomsday cult to predict, Shanghai stock market fell slightly.
As the clock struck midnight in the western Pacific, kiwi dare send this message through social media: "The world has not ended. Sincerely, New Zealand. '
In Mexico, the age of the New Era United States, taking a yoga mat and wear white, raised his hands in the air to the Mayan pyramids of Chichen Itza, while a man with dreadlocks playing the didgeridoo.
"It's not the end of the world, an awakening of consciousness and good and love and spirituality - and what has been happening for a while," says Mary Lou Anderson, 53, an information technology consultant from Las Vegas, Reuters news service.
Promote tourism in the world is estimated that causes Internet nonsense about the end of the calendar 'Long Count' in year 5125 Mayan leaking trip to see people cash in their chips - two for a cocktail - but Most never happens.
There is a small bump on the way to the Mayan ruins in Mexico and Guatemala, but no tsunami, officials said. The Mexican government sent some troops to Mayan archaeological site, the clock to end the day of worship. ButAtlas not shrug.
In the media reported fears of mass suicide, earthquakes, epidemics and slid the rebel planet Earth - but that probably says more about the media that the Maya.
Imam Maya, said at the end of their calendar turn from one page to the next chapter, not the end of the book. Archaeologists virtual doomsday talking talk nonsense.
NASA doing its job to remove the hysteria. From their website:
"Question: Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites our world will end in December 2012.
"Answer: The world will not end in 2012. Our planet to get along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no risk associated with 2012. '
But leave it to a rocket scientist to bury the news.
In 5 billion years, plus or minus a few hundred million dollars, the sun will use most of their hydrogen and fat hot and angry, like many of us. Mercury and Venus, Earth, and, perhaps, eaten the day.
Therefore, it is not. But then.
In the French Pyrenees, so far, the mayor of the town of Bugarach's UFOlogists already ban the tradition of the New Age described as "alien garage" where aliens are waiting to leave the ground, taking with them some lucky man, told Reuters.
France is not copyrighted crazy. In China, the security officials detained hundreds of members of the Church of Almighty God, whose members warned that the earthquake and tsunami is expected to announce the end of the day, and the next appointment.
In Russia, the suspected buyers made candles and gas after newspaper articles concerning a Tibetan monk confirmed the end of the world, according to the Associated Press. Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian prime minister, rejected the idea, more or less.
"I do not believe the end of the world," he said. "At least not this year."
Superman version: The new trailer for 'Man of Steel' came
The first full-length trailer for "Man of Steel" - the latest attempt to make Superman more relevant to the audience - is online. And this is something that you expect from Clark Kent blockbuster directed by Zack Snyder: It reminds Atom Egoyan "The Sweet hereafter".
He only made it a vague way, because, as sad and depressing 1997 film, "Man of Steel" is also a school bus accident. But then part of the preview, soon gives way to music, epic opera, a great summer style film with impeccable assembly chin Henry Cavill (Superman Our new), Russell Crowe, Amy Adams , several large explosions, Michael Shannon, a reminder that Christopher Nolan make this project and of course, Toby Ziegler on "The West Wing".
This makes the film look very promising. And I say this as someone who believes Snyder applying the "Watchmen" as his kryptonite. See trailers, screens in front of "The Hobbit" this weekend in an attempt to change the faithful believe a little truth, justice and the American way. (FYI:. "American Way" is a fancy term that means that Warner Bros. wants everyone has a pulse to see "Man of Steel" when it opens June 14)
Singer Jenni Rivera Family Hopes Still Alive says Brother John Rivera
Jenni Rivera family had expected.
The 43 year old American singer mexico died Sunday in a plane crash, U.S. officials confirmed, but his brother said the family of Juan Rivera was held on the occasion of Jenni still alive.
"In our eyes, we still believe that our sister was OK," said John, also a singer, told reporters on Monday by Reuters.
All we know so far about Jenni Rivera dies
"We thank God for the life He has given ... My sister, "he added. "For all the victories and success of, and hopefully there will be more in the future."
On Sunday, another sister Jenni, Peter Rivera, told E! Telemundo News lost star "of the destruction of the family."
He said that "at 5 pm [that] we have confirmation that it's gone."
Celebrities mourn lost star on Twitter
"That's life," he added. "We live and die. We may be sad, but when God will have the last word for all of us on our last day, it's time to leave. And this is the way to go Jenni. '
Fans can expect to live Jenni heritage: his debut film, the gritty indie drama calf Brown, is set to hit theaters in 2013.
Favor Hamilton worked as escort
The three time Olympian Suzy Hamilton said he favors overwhelmed by depression and troubled marriage, to a life of prostitution.
In a series of posts on his Twitter account, favor Hamilton admitted working as an escort after a report Thursday on the Web site The Smoking Gun about his double life.
"I do not expect people to understand," he wrote in favor of Hamilton. "But the reason for doing so sense to me at that time and is strongly associated with depression."
The Smoking Gun said athlete of 44 years working for the past year for Las Vegas escort services that are not booked to date, as well as Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago. Website said they charged $ 600 per hour for their services.
I saw one of the best middle-distance runners, favor Hamilton compete for the U.S. Olympics in 1992, 1996 and 2000, but did not win a medal. He won seven U.S. national titles. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin, where, The Smoking Gun reported that she and her husband, Mark, live in the home for $ 600,000 and apparently not in financial difficulty to examine the records of the court and city websites.
Hamilton said the site to favor her husband just do escort work, but, "he tried, he tried to make me stop him not supported at all ..."
The website reported that favor Hamilton worked under the alias of "Kelly Lundy", but said he told some of his clients about his true identity, and apparently one of them leaked.
Shortly after the story appeared online, please Hamilton publishes a series of tweets saying mostly he was "interested in including large part because it gives a lot of coping mechanisms for me when I is going through a hard on my marriage and my life. '
The nine-time NCAA champion Wisconsin, Suzy Hamilton favor favor Athlete Big is namesake of the Year Award, given to the conference's top ten female athletes. Big Ten spokesman Scott Chipman said the conference had no comment.
Favor Hamilton appeared in an ad for Nike and done promotional work for the Rock Marathon Rock 'n' Disney and run the show.
A Disney spokesman said Hamilton did not favor an employee, and not scheduled to perform at Disneyland 10K race or future events.
Favor Hamilton did not respond to requests from The Associated Press seeking comment.
Las Vegas police have no record of any arrests or contact with favor Hamilton, said Officer Laura Meltzer, a department spokesman. There is no doubt that favor Hamilton was launched in the wake of press reports said Meltzer. The phone number of escort Hamilton said he works for is not in service, and attempts to reach company representatives via email immediately successful.
Favor Hamilton three time winner of the 1,500 meters outside national and national champion three times over - his last title coming in 1999.
"As I know it sounds crazy, I never thought that I exposed, because it did not hurt anyone," he said in an announcement of Twitter.
In another, he said he was seeking psychological treatment for your problem.
He closed his series of tweets saying: ". I have every intention of making peace and return to a good mother, wife, daughter and friend "
In a series of posts on his Twitter account, favor Hamilton admitted working as an escort after a report Thursday on the Web site The Smoking Gun about his double life.
"I do not expect people to understand," he wrote in favor of Hamilton. "But the reason for doing so sense to me at that time and is strongly associated with depression."
The Smoking Gun said athlete of 44 years working for the past year for Las Vegas escort services that are not booked to date, as well as Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago. Website said they charged $ 600 per hour for their services.
I saw one of the best middle-distance runners, favor Hamilton compete for the U.S. Olympics in 1992, 1996 and 2000, but did not win a medal. He won seven U.S. national titles. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin, where, The Smoking Gun reported that she and her husband, Mark, live in the home for $ 600,000 and apparently not in financial difficulty to examine the records of the court and city websites.
Hamilton said the site to favor her husband just do escort work, but, "he tried, he tried to make me stop him not supported at all ..."
The website reported that favor Hamilton worked under the alias of "Kelly Lundy", but said he told some of his clients about his true identity, and apparently one of them leaked.
Shortly after the story appeared online, please Hamilton publishes a series of tweets saying mostly he was "interested in including large part because it gives a lot of coping mechanisms for me when I is going through a hard on my marriage and my life. '
The nine-time NCAA champion Wisconsin, Suzy Hamilton favor favor Athlete Big is namesake of the Year Award, given to the conference's top ten female athletes. Big Ten spokesman Scott Chipman said the conference had no comment.
Favor Hamilton appeared in an ad for Nike and done promotional work for the Rock Marathon Rock 'n' Disney and run the show.
A Disney spokesman said Hamilton did not favor an employee, and not scheduled to perform at Disneyland 10K race or future events.
Favor Hamilton did not respond to requests from The Associated Press seeking comment.
Las Vegas police have no record of any arrests or contact with favor Hamilton, said Officer Laura Meltzer, a department spokesman. There is no doubt that favor Hamilton was launched in the wake of press reports said Meltzer. The phone number of escort Hamilton said he works for is not in service, and attempts to reach company representatives via email immediately successful.
Favor Hamilton three time winner of the 1,500 meters outside national and national champion three times over - his last title coming in 1999.
"As I know it sounds crazy, I never thought that I exposed, because it did not hurt anyone," he said in an announcement of Twitter.
In another, he said he was seeking psychological treatment for your problem.
He closed his series of tweets saying: ". I have every intention of making peace and return to a good mother, wife, daughter and friend "
Lisa Vanderpump: Adrienne Maloof broken relationship still
Lisa was eager to make it clear that friendship with Adrienne Adrienne was never well after accusing him of selling fake stories to the press. You've read all the exclusive details! Never cross the matriarch of Beverly Hills! Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Vanderpump said his friendship with co-star Adrienne Maloof is broken and I do not think it can be repaired. "It is what it is, I'm honest about it," said Lisa exclusively. "I am very simple and straightforward and need a reason to go." We chat with Lisa Vanderpump Rules Premire new reality show Sur Lounge in West Hollywood, the hottest bar in town that she has with her husband Ken Todd. Program centers around Lisa and her staff Sur and relationships of documents and high drama associated with working in Sur. "Fast speed, turbulence, what can I say," said Lisa series. "This is my staff are very complicated ... But you have to see it, strange that's for sure. ' RHOBH star Lisa was the first to get their own spin-off show, so I asked the other women that supports 90,210 or jealous. "It's very supportive, of course. You know what, Kyle [Richards] is a support. Brandi [Glanville] tremendous support. Taylor [Armstrong] sent me flowers, so it's pretty good. Um, I do not think the others! ' has seen the trailer for the new Bravo hit show, and if you think RHOBH is drama, does not see that no more! Congrats Lisa and we are eager to catch the series premiere Standard Vanderpump Monday, January 7th at 9/8c on Bravo.
NFL Power Rankings: Patriots Release, Texas Fall In Week 15 Poll
See Ya, Houston. Tom Brady and the New England Patriots to take the top spot in the AP ranking NFL Pro32 power.
Last time after routing No. 1 Texans 42-14, the Patriots are back on top of the ranking for the first time since Week 2. Houston was ranked number one for a month before it fell to fourth after losing the second season.
Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos second, third, San Francisco 49ers as they prepare to visit New England on Sunday night.
The Patriots (10-3) received 11 of 12 votes for first place and 383 points in balloting by a panel Tuesday to members of The Associated Press' media who regularly cover the league. Denver (10-3) had several first-place votes and had 369 points.
"That is just the message they sent to the League on Monday night, ESPN's Chris Berman said Patriots' seventh straight win.
"The Patriots played near perfect game and get a form to make a serious run at the Lombardi," said John Fox Sports' Lynch. "A potential advance of Super Bowl Sunday night waiting on the 49".
Broncos, meanwhile, an eight-game winning streak into their game against Baltimore, which fell into a tie for eighth after overtime loss to Washington.
"Peyton Manning made his way through the award of a fourth NFL MVP disk. He has directed eight wins in a row Denver and threw 19 touchdown passes during that period, "said Dallas Morning News Rick Gosselin, voters only have a number of Denver. 1 week.
The Atlanta Falcons dropped two places to fifth after defeating Carolina, and Green Bay and New York Giants tied for sixth.
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Anne Hathaway suffers wardrobe damage 'Les Miz'
Anne Hathaway bondage shoes caught our eye the minute he stepped on the red carpet at the premiere of Les Miserables last night in New York.
But now, Hathaway different images spread like wildfire on the internet. It reminds us that old-Britney Spears. Remember when Brit-Brit loved going to command?
Well, it seems Hathaway chose to leave the clothes in the house last night. As he slid his limo Tom Ford black dress slit high, he gave now the not so private. And the cameras caught him.
Sensor shot site, which includes the artist's private parts with a variety of objects, including the heart, words Uh-Oh, the region spread, and head Les Miz poster.
Rick Snyder: the right to work bill into law in Michigan
Governor Rick Snyder (R) Michigan officially became a "right to work" state on Tuesday signed into law two bills that significantly reduce the power of unions.
"I signed a bill into law .... We are making progress on the issue of employment equity and equality, "he told a press conference on Tuesday night, just hours after the state House of Representatives approved the accounts.
Right to work laws prohibit contracts between companies and unions that require all workers to pay union to negotiate on their behalf. Although business groups and conservatives throwing the problem in terms of the freedom of trade unions in mind that the law allows workers to choose not to support the union even reap the benefits of collective bargaining. Because the law tends to weaken unions in general, unions, and President Barack Obama, who called the law "right to work for less."
Movement Snyder is a special victory for workers' rights advocates. Most states are right to work with a solid red and the south. Michigan, however, has one of the highest levels of the union in the country, is the birthplace of the modern automotive industry, and continues to swing state in the election and went to Obama in 2012.
Throughout the day, at least 12,500 protesters demonstrated at the Capitol in Lansing. The meeting turned ugly at times, with the Punches were thrown and dispersed pepper spray.
State legislatures are controlled by Republicans quickly will track two bills to allow the right to work for public and private sector unions measures in the state, without going through the normal committee process and public comment period.
Even before Snyder signed the bill, the union is investigating possible ways to override them. Labor officials have largely been taken off guard by the rapid thrust the right to work, to believe that Snyder sincere in negotiating with them to stay out of his desk.
The governor said repeatedly he does not want the right to work in the program, arguing that the deeply divisive in the state. In a press conference on Tuesday, Snyder blames union action on the grounds that he signed the bill, pointing in the direction of the two subjects. The bill, which enshrined the right of collective bargaining in the state's constitution was rejected by voters in November.
"It was not something I was looking for," he said. "But really what happened this summer with the intention of causing both dialogue and debate on this topic. Asked union leaders not to proceed with the ballot measure because I know that can lead to spark discussion of labor rights is divisive issue. Unfortunately developing into divisions, and it is time to step up and take a leadership position, I think I've done, in collaboration with a very good team in the legislature. '
Division Preview a possible outbreak of the state policy in the future, Michigan's National Action Network civil rights leader Reverend Charles Williams III, said in a statement released by SEIU: "Since working well and more is at stake, we can not rest until the right workers' rights to fair wages and decent restored. Everything is on the table for the next two years. '
Representative Sander Levin (D-Mich.), vocal opponents of the right to work the meet with the governor to urge him to veto the bill, quickly issued a statement saying that the drive to repeal the legislation is needed to start immediately.
"Efforts to reverse the action and the recovery of wild Michigan that animates the work of the middle class and race at the top of their class - not a clash down - from now on," he said.
"Governor Snyder actual show today: This is a doll from the donor to the extreme, and will ignore and lie to their constituents," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. "His actions would have been nice Koch Brothers and CEO of the company, but will reduce the voice of every worker and woman in Michigan." Governor Rick Snyder (R) Michigan officially became a "right to work" state on Tuesday signed into law two bills that significantly reduce the power of unions.
"I signed a bill into law .... We are making progress on the issue of employment equity and equality, "he told a press conference on Tuesday night, just hours after the state House of Representatives approved the accounts.
Right to work laws prohibit contracts between companies and unions that require all workers to pay union to negotiate on their behalf. Although business groups and conservatives throwing the problem in terms of the freedom of trade unions in mind that the law allows workers to choose not to support the union even reap the benefits of collective bargaining. Because the law tends to weaken unions in general, unions, and President Barack Obama, who called the law "right to work for less."
Movement Snyder is a special victory for workers' rights advocates. Most states are right to work with a solid red and the south. Michigan, however, has one of the highest levels of the union in the country, is the birthplace of the modern automotive industry, and continues to swing state in the election and went to Obama in 2012.
Throughout the day, at least 12,500 protesters demonstrated at the Capitol in Lansing. The meeting turned ugly at times, with the Punches were thrown and dispersed pepper spray.
State legislatures are controlled by Republicans quickly will track two bills to allow the right to work for public and private sector unions measures in the state, without going through the normal committee process and public comment period.
Even before Snyder signed the bill, the union is investigating possible ways to override them. Labor officials have largely been taken off guard by the rapid thrust the right to work, to believe that Snyder sincere in negotiating with them to stay out of his desk.
The governor said repeatedly he does not want the right to work in the program, arguing that the deeply divisive in the state. In a press conference on Tuesday, Snyder blames union action on the grounds that he signed the bill, pointing in the direction of the two subjects. The bill, which enshrined the right of collective bargaining in the state's constitution was rejected by voters in November.
"It was not something I was looking for," he said. "But really what happened this summer with the intention of causing both dialogue and debate on this topic. Asked union leaders not to proceed with the ballot measure because I know that can lead to spark discussion of labor rights is divisive issue. Unfortunately developing into divisions, and it is time to step up and take a leadership position, I think I've done, in collaboration with a very good team in the legislature. '
Division Preview a possible outbreak of the state policy in the future, Michigan's National Action Network civil rights leader Reverend Charles Williams III, said in a statement released by SEIU: "Since working well and more is at stake, we can not rest until the right workers' rights to fair wages and decent restored. Everything is on the table for the next two years. '
Representative Sander Levin (D-Mich.), vocal opponents of the right to work the meet with the governor to urge him to veto the bill, quickly issued a statement saying that the drive to repeal the legislation is needed to start immediately.
"Efforts to reverse the action and the recovery of wild Michigan that animates the work of the middle class and race at the top of their class - not a clash down - from now on," he said.
"Governor Snyder actual show today: This is a doll from the donor to the extreme, and will ignore and lie to their constituents," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. "His actions would have been nice Koch Brothers and CEO of the company, but will reduce the voice of every worker and woman in Michigan."
Jovan Belcher girlfriend murder, suicide is easier with the guns, because guns are always easier
After the rhetoric, predicted the death of Jovan Belcher was surprised by the high West Babylon and Kansas City Chiefs, still come back to the only place that matters in the last hours of his life: a gun.
He pushed through the rest of the results of what happened Saturday morning outside Arrowhead Stadium, go through the resume many positions Belcher played for coach Al Ritacco in West Babylon, the way they played linebacker at the University of Maine before he was a defensive lineman, and how signed as an undrafted free agent by the head and emerged as a star.
All that is relevant to the end, only the relevant job description is as follows:
Jovan Belcher, shooter.
The shooting of the mother of the 3-month-old daughter at home, and then himself.
Maybe we do not know what led him to anger, when jealousy, or the need to control the obsessive Kasandra Michelle Perkins, his bride. Perhaps no known brain injury, or something else that caused this madness.
But know this: kill the girl, aged 22, and then himself in front of his coach and general manager is easier with guns, because guns always makes it easier.
I called the Police Department in Kansas City Sunday morning and questioned homicide detective named Williams, asked how to get a gun in Kansas City, Mo.
"As long as you are over 21 and have the cash and are not criminals, you can buy guns legally," he said. "And if you're a murderer, you are going to buy one on the street. Very easy on the road. No background checks. '
He said that once you own a firearm in Missouri, is allowed to carry in your car without permission to bear arms.
I asked if he knew where Jovan Belcher bought weapons used Kasandra Perkins before he uses it himself.
"All I can say," he said, "is that he bought it because I was in Kansas City." Paused and said: "In the metropolitan area."
KCPD detective Williams asked what kind of weapons Belcher. He said he was not willing to provide that information. But when asked again if guns were legal, he said, "you just bought. That means that you can buy on the street. '
He asked: "Do you have more than one weapon?"
Williams paused again and said: "We are investigating."
No problem, either Perkins or Belcher Kasandra, if you have a small collection of weapons. It only takes one. Violence Policy Center estimates that nearly 1,500 murder-suicide in this country in 2011, and 90% of those who are involved in some type of weapon.
Let New York City - Canarsie Friday morning, the husband and wife, each with a bullet in the head - and now Chiefs training facility will, on the same property as Arrowhead Stadium. This time, the story ends with the last bullet firing NFL player in his own head.
"My prediction," says Williams, "is that (Belcher) does not have a permit to carry weapons."
So good Belcher went to the car and got a gun in the house that he rents to Kasandra Perkins and her baby. Or a gun was inside the house when he decided to use it. The house in the 5400 block of Crysler Ave, A reporter at the scene of the surveillance camera reference attached to the house ..
"Front and back," said Glenn Rice Kansas City Star
I asked if it was a bad neighborhood, Rice said: "Not even close."
But it has become the most dangerous neighborhood in Kansas City when Belcher, model and teammate hear about, start shooting.
Jovan Belcher: Who owns the weapon when he became chief, on his way to the murder-suicide statistics, how Kasandra Perkins became the same kind of statistics a little before 8 am Saturday because a gun is easy to use. Sometimes age is the best line for a story like this, where you ask how many home runs Babe Ruth hit without bats?
It seems that today, outside of what we know about the argument that began when, as reported in the Star Rice, Kasandra Perkins house later attended Trey Songz concert with friends, Jovan Belcher finally ran said. Just do not bullets. Nobody did.
Charlie Batch led the Steelers to beat the Ravens
In what could be the beginning of the end of his NFL career, 37 year old midfielder Charlie Batch led the Pittsburgh Steelers to a 23-20 victory over the Baltimore Ravens, the Steelers keep hopes for a spot in AFC playoffs alive.
Batch pass attempts completed 25-of-36 for 276 yards and disaster that shook the fourth quarter, which began when he was blocked by Ravens safety Ed Reed, in press tight end Heath Miller for a touchdown to tie the game with 7: 24 remaining. Steelers James Harrison commissioning outside midfielder Miller touchdown with a strip sack of Joe Flacco found defensive end Ziggy Hood, 27 yards for the Ravens.
On the next possession Steelers' Batch completed five trials of his passes for 45 yards and draw roughing penalty by Paul Kruger spent on a trip that drained the last 6 minutes and 14 seconds remaining before the Shaun Suisham drilled 42 - yard field goal as time expired.
"We were able to do something that no one thought we, out of our locker room," said Carolynn Batch Manno NBC after the game. "We came here, we knew it was the match 60 minutes we fought all over the world -. Offense, defense, special teams - and put it together.
"This is something that - we know that we do not know which team we put our best performance last week so we know we got to where we want, and it will be taken to contest ... We knew we had to come here and get it. And no matter how it changes, we know that is December, we have to win the football game and get started today. '
With the win, the Steelers stop run of two consecutive defeats. At 7-5, the Steelers are now two games behind the Ravens in the AFC North, and as the owner of the sudden death of the head to go with the equally 7-5 Cincinnati Bengals, the Steelers stayed at No.. 6 AFC playoff spot as quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is set back from right shoulder injuries. No. Roethlisberger and regular. Quarterback Byron Leftwich two are both expected to be available in Sunday's game against the San Diego charge in shock.
Patriots dolphins provide future plans
Miami - The "2012 AFC East Champion" T-shirt backed by tens of Sunday night. There is an atmosphere of celebration at Sun Life Stadium, but not for the home team.
A visit to the New England Patriots won the AFC East with a 23-16 victory over the Miami Dolphins. New England improved to 9-3 and have bigger things in mind - like the playoffs and the Super Bowl.
Miami (5-7), on the other hand, clothing surly after playoff hopes dashed. Once the dolphins to start thinking about 2013 and beyond.
"Very frustrating," said center Mike Pouncey dolphins in the locker room was quiet. "I think you all know they can not make mistakes against a football team. We missed out on many opportunities to make a play. '
But if one thing dolphin show, is that there are far from competitive. This is not a bottom feeder team most expected to Miami this year. Dolphins have a few pieces in place.
Sunday's loss to New England - the ancient kings of the AFC East - provides a perfect model of what the Dolphins need. For starters, Miami does not have the offensive firepower to keep up in New England.
Miami's defense played one of the best games this season. The Patriots entered this game as hot as the No. 1 in the league violation. New England has scored 40 points or more four times this season but was held back by a dolphin. Miami running game stuffed New England Tom Brady and confused with four sacks. The '23 Patriots had their lowest points since week 6.
But most violations Miami settled for field goals and punts. Rookie Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill is not the best, only completed 13 of 29 passes for 186 yards. That's not good enough to beat Brady, even on a bad day.
Dolphins do not have the skill players to make plays great dynamic. Two perfect examples of Tannehill missed a deep connection to the receiver Brian Hartline that may have led to a touchdown.
"You have to hit" Tannehill admitted after the game. "Do not get too many pictures like that."
Stout Miami defense. But to take advantage of the Patriots biggest weakness: cornerback.
Dolphins traded former first Vontae Davis this summer, and when injured starter Richard Marshall reserve with a back injury. Miami fell to Sean Smith and the fourth or fifth corner, and that's where Wes Welker dominates.
Welker, a former Dolphin, had a successful return to Miami and caught 12 passes for 103 yards and a touchdown. Welker Miami players can not be contained and the biggest reason the Patriots to move around the court in this game.
"He is very intelligent," said Dolphins safety Reshad Jones, who had an interception in the game. "It has one of the best quarterbacks in the game to give the ball. [Welker] a great job of route options, and is a very good job in letting go. '
Besides offensive skills player and cornerbacks, dolphins also need to know their left tackle situation. Jake Long the team's future will be darker after suffering a triceps injury in the first quarter. Dolphins coach Joe Philbin did not elaborate on the injury after the game, but the fact that the clothes along the street in the second half was a sign that he could lose time.
The length is easily the best player on the team two years ago. But it fell out of favor due to a recent injury and inconsistency. The length is not an elite left tackle after he and a risk of injury. But the heavy Command salary when he becomes a free agent in March. Violations Miami certainly does not seem to be great without him against New England.
"Jake is a great player, and it's hard to lose a player like him," said Dolphins running back Reggie Bush. "His presence will certainly not be forgotten. But football should go, and the person to come in and do the job. '
Miami rookie second-rounder Jonathan Martin has moved from right to left tackle. She is the best option in the list and will be auditioning for the left tackle job if the term is for a period of time.
Martin played left tackle at Stanford, where he was the personal protector for quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts Andrew luck. Martin will not be embarrassed in his first action at left tackle in the NFL and did some good things.
"I think I did well," Martin said after the game. "I [left tackle] a little rusty. It's like a mirror image [right tackle]. You just remember how your muscles feel and how you feel your balance. '
The Patriots beat the Miami area on Sunday to win his tenth title in 12 years AFC East. But the good news is that dolphins have a lot of cap space in 2013 and five draft picks in the first three rounds of patching the hole.
A visit to the New England Patriots won the AFC East with a 23-16 victory over the Miami Dolphins. New England improved to 9-3 and have bigger things in mind - like the playoffs and the Super Bowl.
Miami (5-7), on the other hand, clothing surly after playoff hopes dashed. Once the dolphins to start thinking about 2013 and beyond.
"Very frustrating," said center Mike Pouncey dolphins in the locker room was quiet. "I think you all know they can not make mistakes against a football team. We missed out on many opportunities to make a play. '
But if one thing dolphin show, is that there are far from competitive. This is not a bottom feeder team most expected to Miami this year. Dolphins have a few pieces in place.
Sunday's loss to New England - the ancient kings of the AFC East - provides a perfect model of what the Dolphins need. For starters, Miami does not have the offensive firepower to keep up in New England.
Miami's defense played one of the best games this season. The Patriots entered this game as hot as the No. 1 in the league violation. New England has scored 40 points or more four times this season but was held back by a dolphin. Miami running game stuffed New England Tom Brady and confused with four sacks. The '23 Patriots had their lowest points since week 6.
But most violations Miami settled for field goals and punts. Rookie Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill is not the best, only completed 13 of 29 passes for 186 yards. That's not good enough to beat Brady, even on a bad day.
Dolphins do not have the skill players to make plays great dynamic. Two perfect examples of Tannehill missed a deep connection to the receiver Brian Hartline that may have led to a touchdown.
"You have to hit" Tannehill admitted after the game. "Do not get too many pictures like that."
Stout Miami defense. But to take advantage of the Patriots biggest weakness: cornerback.
Dolphins traded former first Vontae Davis this summer, and when injured starter Richard Marshall reserve with a back injury. Miami fell to Sean Smith and the fourth or fifth corner, and that's where Wes Welker dominates.
Welker, a former Dolphin, had a successful return to Miami and caught 12 passes for 103 yards and a touchdown. Welker Miami players can not be contained and the biggest reason the Patriots to move around the court in this game.
"He is very intelligent," said Dolphins safety Reshad Jones, who had an interception in the game. "It has one of the best quarterbacks in the game to give the ball. [Welker] a great job of route options, and is a very good job in letting go. '
Besides offensive skills player and cornerbacks, dolphins also need to know their left tackle situation. Jake Long the team's future will be darker after suffering a triceps injury in the first quarter. Dolphins coach Joe Philbin did not elaborate on the injury after the game, but the fact that the clothes along the street in the second half was a sign that he could lose time.
The length is easily the best player on the team two years ago. But it fell out of favor due to a recent injury and inconsistency. The length is not an elite left tackle after he and a risk of injury. But the heavy Command salary when he becomes a free agent in March. Violations Miami certainly does not seem to be great without him against New England.
"Jake is a great player, and it's hard to lose a player like him," said Dolphins running back Reggie Bush. "His presence will certainly not be forgotten. But football should go, and the person to come in and do the job. '
Miami rookie second-rounder Jonathan Martin has moved from right to left tackle. She is the best option in the list and will be auditioning for the left tackle job if the term is for a period of time.
Martin played left tackle at Stanford, where he was the personal protector for quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts Andrew luck. Martin will not be embarrassed in his first action at left tackle in the NFL and did some good things.
"I think I did well," Martin said after the game. "I [left tackle] a little rusty. It's like a mirror image [right tackle]. You just remember how your muscles feel and how you feel your balance. '
The Patriots beat the Miami area on Sunday to win his tenth title in 12 years AFC East. But the good news is that dolphins have a lot of cap space in 2013 and five draft picks in the first three rounds of patching the hole.
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